Kayang: Bringing Forward Best Apple Farms in India

What is the best way to eat an apple? You'd say straight from the tree itself. And what if you get access to freshly hand picked apples from farm in the Himalayas sitting right in the comfort of your home? You might think that's not possible. While the times are changing, so are the opportunities and vision of fulfilling this dream for thousands and lakhs of consumers in India who can have fresh seasonal apples straight from farm to their houses within a few days of harvesting fresh apples from farm in India. This is where Kayang comes in.

Kayang comes from the uncharted tribal territories of “Himalayan land of Kinnaur '' enclosed by high altitude mountains. An online community that comprises experienced and mindful farmers from the Himalayas who have been traditionally growing apples for over many decades, putting their precious time and energy into producing apples naturally without any harmful chemicals. 

What Does Kayang mean?

Kayang as a term signifies a popular dance from Kinnaur region performed at the end of a successful harvest. The dancers are linked to one another with their interlacing hands which signifies the "Circle of Life", the idea which gave birth to Kayang. An online platform representing eco-conscious apple farmers who believe in giving back to nature as they take from it.

Since its inception not so long ago, Kayang has been an active part of the very few farms that grow their apples in a completely natural and harsh chemical free environment. The advantage of high altitude and the quality of the soil favours the less chances of developing fungus and pests in the crops. 

Kayang's Promise

Going 100% fungicide and pesticide free is a difficult task to achieve as there is a great possibility that the yield will not be good. Kayang too faced similar issues but with the help of their age old traditional techniques they overcame them with. 

Today the farmers of Kayang successfully grow a wide variety of apples and other types of fruits without using insecticides, fertilisers and chemicals. Even when the produce is harvested they refrain from using artificial wax on their apples because they know that not only does it affect your health but it also puts a lot of strain on the environment as well. 

Kayang therefore believes in providing their customers fresh apples from farm in India that are 100% safe to eat while also being environmentally friendly. 

Why Should You Buy Your Apples from Kayang?

The first and foremost reason has to be the fact that the farmers at Kayang use age-old traditionally sustainable methods of farming which later reflects in the quality of their produce at the time of the harvest season. Some other reasons which makes considering Kayang with offering you the best apple farms in India are:

  • Apples from Kayang are packed in boxes and ready to ship as soon as they are picked from apple trees which means that they do not end up in the cold storage like supermarket apples do.
  • Apples at Kayang's farms are grown in the pristine environment of the high altitude farms of the Western Himalayas located at 10,000 ft. above sea level which is an ideal growing environment for healthy and nutritious apples devoid of any fungus and pests.
  • Kayang believes in giving back to nature which is why they make use of traditional methods of growing apples that do not involve the use of chemical fertilisers. Also, following the community in helping each other with their self made irrigation technique, harvesting etc also reflects the true experience of these farms in the mountains and what all goes behind attain these healthy apples.

  • Kayang offers its customers a wide variety of apples to choose from namely, Royal King apples, Red Delicious, Golden Apples, Granny Smith, Royal Kinnaur Supreme apples and more new varieties that are coming up in recent times in some of these best apple farms in India. 

The concept of apples from farm to plate gets a lot more credibility and a whole new meaning from online platforms like Kayang that work relentlessly to provide their customers with organically grown apples that do not pose any danger to their health. Supporting such platforms means that you are also helping the environment and the farmers who work hard to bring  fresh apples from the Himalayas to your breakfast table. 

So the next time you buy apples from Kayang, take a moment to bite into its juicy flesh - you might hear the story of how they were born.